Has anyone here been called for Jury Duty before going to Europe? If so, what did you do? were you able to get out of it?
I thought of this question because yesterday I got a summons. But My trip to London and Paris is in October, so I shouldn't have a problem. Anyway, I think I can get excused because of some things. The closest I was called for Jury Duty before a trip was not before going to Europe, but it was a few weeks before an important business trip. I was able to get out of that one, but not because of my trip.
I would like to hear some of your stories if you were called for Jury Duty before a big trip. I don't think this topic has ever come up before.
5 or 6 years ago I got my annual jury summons just before a European trip. I called the number provided and told them I would be out of the country. I was excused with the understanding that I would be recalled in 3 months. I have not been recalled yet. Interesting, because I used to be called every year.
Seattle, USAIn my jurisdiction, it's fairly easy to re-schedule jury service if it conflicts with a major work or life commitment. That's assuming that there is going to be a future time in which you can serve, of course, so it's of no use to those whose schedules makes service always onerous. I once got called for jury service when I was nearly at my due date in a pregnancy--the jury coordinator gave me my choice of reporting back in three months, six months, or nine months, depending on when I thought I could use a break from mommy-duty!
When I was a litigator, though, I always excused jurors who clearly didn't want to be there by using peremptory challenges. The last thing the lawyers want is a seething, resentful juror who is losing a lot of money or an important opportunity by being on jury duty.
Calgary, Alberta, CanadaI get called in for jury duty in Florida about ever other year. Needless to say as I live in Canada, I am not going to fly down to attend a trial. They are pretty forgiving with unavoidably circumstances.
Tempe, AZ, USA 1266 postsLisa - On at least 3 occasions. Just call and reschedule your jury duty. You should have no problems.
Washington, DCI didn't have a problem. We had to be available to report for jury duty for 2 weeks, and the second week I was going to be on vacation. The first day they asked if anyone had any reasons they weren't available the entire two weeks to let them know - so I wrote down I had a preplanned vacation and I was never even questioned about it. Got excused the 2nd week
Trussville, AlYes in 2005 when I would be in Italy. No problem but I had to serve when I got back. The courts here at home have really gotten strict about jurors trying to get out of serving.
Myrtle Beach, USA 12313 postsThe rules vary by jurisdiction. It would be ideal if you can call and reschedule. There are lots of hardship exclusions that people regularly abuse. Hopefully if you can show your non-refundable travel plans, they'll let you reschedule.
New OrleansMy jurisdiction will excuse you from jury duty if you provide a written request which includes a copy of your flight confirmation, cruise ticket, etc. As a side note - 3 different travel insurance policies I have purchased over the years each did cover cancellation due to jury duty or being summoned as a witness.
Daly City, CAIt has happened to me twice. The first time I presented my airline ticket to the judge and was released from serving on the jury but it counted as having served for the year. The second time, my service was deferred for several months. It just depends.
Seattle, WA 1317 postsMy mother got called for jury duty, to take place at the same time she was traveling to New England. Most places it seems will be pretty flexible about rescheduling you. The jury coordinator suggested she be rescheduled the week between Christmas and New Years, as very few cases get heard that week. Worked like a charm--she was never even called in.
I doubt they would give you a hard time unless you were a habitual offender, constantly trying to get out of it.
On two occasions and two different states where I resided at the time, I've had personal plans made when the jury summons came. The first was my son's wedding in another state, and the second, just last fall, would have interfered with vacation plans. On the most recent occasion, I simply replied that I would be out of state on the date of the summons. I had no problem on either occasion.
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