23. Templates

Please complete the following form using the notes in the left-hand margin for guidance. More guidance on making statutory declarations can be found at www.justice.vic.gov.au.

When making the statutory declaration the declarant must say aloud:

I, [full name of person making declaration] of [address], declare that the contents of this statutory declaration are true and correct.

23.2 Certificate Identifying Exhibit – Statutory Declaration

Template Certificate Identifying Exhibit to Statutory Declaration Word 20.17 KB

23.3 Affidavit

Instructions for completing an affidavit

Guidance on making affidavits can be found at www.justice.vic.gov.au. When making the oath or affirmation for the affidavit the deponent must say aloud:

Oath I, [name of person making oath], swear [or promise] by Almighty God [or the person may name a god recognised by the person’s religion] that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct.
Affirmation I, [name of person making affirmation], solemnly and sincerely affirm that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct.
Affidavit template Word 80.5 KB

23.4 Certificate Identifying Exhibit – Affidavit

There is no prescribed form of words for use when there are exhibits attached to an affidavit, but you could use the text dirctly above from 23.3 Affidavit, as a guideline.