Free ACT® Practice Test
Download Full-Length Exam With Answers

Gearing up for the ACT®? Kick off your preparation with our free full-length ACT practice test. Target areas for improvement, and boost your score by practicing with thousands of exam-like questions crafted by our experts.

Student practicing ACT questions and reviewing the pdf answers

Why Try UWorld’s Free Full-Length ACT Practice Test?

Who says “no” to freebies? Ace the ACT with UWorld's free practice test pdf with answers!

Access our free, downloadable full-length ACT practice test to get a feel for the actual exam and to find out where you are starting on your test prep journey. While other ACT practice tests exist online, finding options that replicate the actual test can be challenging. Many of these alternatives are also costly. If you're seeking a high-quality, cost-effective ACT prep solution, the UWorld free ACT practice test is your solution.

Benefits of Taking Full-Length ACT Practice Tests

Taking practice tests is the best way to begin your test prep for the ACT exam and measure your progress each month as you study. Here’s why:

Target Areas for Improvement Know What to Expect Improve Your Time Management Skills Endurance Building Realistic Score Prediction Reducing Test Anxiety Target Areas for Improvement

Quality practice tests contain questions with varying difficulty levels. These help you pinpoint growth opportunities to focus on boosting your score.

Know What to Expect

Understanding the ACT’s structure, including the number and types of questions, sections, and the time allocated for each, is essential. Full-length practice tests help you get accustomed to the test structure, reducing the time you spend figuring out what to do next during the actual exam.

Improve Your Time Management Skills

One of the biggest challenges on standardized tests like the ACT is completing all the questions within the given time limits. Learning how much time to allocate to each question and section will help you avoid spending too much time on difficult questions.

Endurance Building

The ACT is a long exam requiring sustained concentration for several hours. Taking full-length practice tests under exam-like conditions builds the mental and physical endurance needed to maintain focus and performance throughout the actual test.

Realistic Score Prediction

By simulating the testing environment and timing as closely as possible, full-length practice tests provide a more accurate prediction of your actual test score. This can guide your study priorities in the weeks leading up to the test.

Reducing Test Anxiety

Familiarity with the test format and confidence in your time management abilities can significantly reduce test anxiety. Knowing you’ve practiced under conditions similar to the actual test and developed strategies to manage your time effectively can make the testing experience less stressful.

Target Areas for Improvement

Quality practice tests contain questions with varying difficulty levels. These help you pinpoint growth opportunities to focus on boosting your score.

Know What to Expect

Understanding the ACT’s structure, including the number and types of questions, sections, and the time allocated for each, is essential. Full-length practice tests help you get accustomed to the test structure, reducing the time you spend figuring out what to do next during the actual exam.

Improve Your Time Management Skills

One of the biggest challenges on standardized tests like the ACT is completing all the questions within the given time limits. Learning how much time to allocate to each question and section will help you avoid spending too much time on difficult questions.

Endurance Building

The ACT is a long exam requiring sustained concentration for several hours. Taking full-length practice tests under exam-like conditions builds the mental and physical endurance needed to maintain focus and performance throughout the actual test.

Realistic Score Prediction

By simulating the testing environment and timing as closely as possible, full-length practice tests provide a more accurate prediction of your actual test score. This can guide your study priorities in the weeks leading up to the test.

Reducing Test Anxiety

Familiarity with the test format and confidence in your time management abilities can significantly reduce test anxiety. Knowing you’ve practiced under conditions similar to the actual test and developed strategies to manage your time effectively can make the testing experience less stressful.

Prep at Peak Level, Perform at Peak Excellence

Our philosophy is simple: we make practicing for the ACT feel like the real thing. This way, it'll feel like another practice session when it's time for the actual exam. At UWorld, we mirror the real ACT to give you all the confidence you need when exam day rolls around.

How to Make ACT Practice Tests Work for You

Know this: practice tests are tools designed to help you improve. With the right approach, you’ll get better at your test-taking skills and subject knowledge if you focus on three key aspects. Here are 3 important tips for getting the most out of your ACT practice tests.

Create a study plan that alternates practice tests with study sessions

Begin with an ACT assessment practice test to identify areas for improvement. Focus on those areas during dedicated study sessions before attempting a second practice test. Incorporating monthly practice tests alongside weekly study sessions will enhance your test prep.

Analyze the areas ripe for enhancement

A solid test preparation strategy embraces the opportunity to identify and improve upon areas of difficulty. By focusing on these challenges, you'll build a comprehensive knowledge base and acquire the test-taking skills essential for excelling in the ACT.

Take both timed and untimed practice tests

While timed practice tests offer a realistic testing environment to improve your time-management skills, untimed tests are designed to evaluate your knowledge of specific sections and subject areas of the ACT test. Taking both will improve both your knowledge and skills.

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Get ACT exam-ready with weekly exam-like questions sent to your inbox.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the free practice test printable/downloadable?

Yes, our free ACT practice test comes in a pdf format and is downloadable and printable.

How long is UWorld’s full-length ACT practice test?

The total duration of UWorld’s full-length ACT practice test is 2 hrs 55 mins. The practice test format and question difficulty mimic the actual ACT test, and it is divided into the following sections:

Test Section Time Duration Number of Questions
English 45 minutes 75 questions
Math 60 minutes 60 questions
Reading 35 minutes 40 questions
Science 35 minutes 40 questions

Where can I find the answers for UWorld’s Free ACT Practice Test?

You can find the answers to the practice test questions listed at the end of the assessment in the same PDF. This makes it easy to check your answer choices and identify any weak points in your study plan.

Where can I find more free ACT Practice Tests?

In addition to UWorld’s full-length ACT practice tests, you can find them online on the official ACT website.

Do you have full-length SAT practice tests?

While UWorld doesn’t offer SAT full-length practice tests yet, we provide a comprehensive QBank where you can customize your own practice tests to mirror the length and format of a full-length exam. We highly recommend the College Board’s official SAT full-length practice tests for the most accurate assessment of your college readiness. These tests are designed to closely mimic the actual exam experience, offering invaluable insights into timing, question types, and overall test-taking strategies.