Health records and privacy

For information about Privacy Awareness Week and how the Queensland Government protects your privacy visit, The Office of the Information Commissioner.
Find out how Queensland Health manages personal information.

Health records and personal information

You can apply in writing for a copy of your medical records to the hospital where you were treated. Queensland Health has strict privacy policies protecting collection and access to health information.

My Health Record (national electronic health record)

A secure online summary of an individual’s important health information, including allergies, medical conditions and treatments, prescribed medications and test or scan reports.

Privacy complaints

Find out how to make a complaint about the way the Department of Health handles your personal information.

Queensland Health privacy notice: Use of Microsoft Teams for meetings and recordings

We may collect your personal information via Microsoft Teams, to learn more refer to this privacy notice.

Queensland Health Privacy Charter

Queensland Health collects and manages personal information in accordance with privacy laws and principles, prioritising community trust, safekeeping, and responsible data practices while ensuring proactive compliance.

Queensland Health Privacy Policy

The Department of Health's Privacy Policy details how we manage personal information at Queensland Health.

Last updated: 17 April 2024