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Disabled Veterans Exemption

If you are a California veteran who is rated 100% disabled, blind, or a paraplegic due to service-connected disability while in the armed forces (or if you are the un-remarried surviving spouse of such a veteran or of one who died of service-connected causes while on active duty) you may be eligible for an exemption of up to $150,000 off the assessed value of your home. Click on the button for an application for Disabled Veterans Exemption.

The State Board of Equalization’s Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate Office publishes Information Sheets to help taxpayers understand property tax laws and increase their awareness of property tax savings that may be available to them. An Information Sheet is available for the disabled veterans’ exemption; please click here to view Publication 800-7, Information Sheet, Property Tax Savings: Disabled Veterans’ Exemption or here for Information Sheets for other topics.

Proposition 19: Base Year Value Transfer – Over 55/Disabled/Disaster Victims

Note: Currently, our office is waiting on additional information and direction from the State of California Board of Equalization office. Once we receive the additional information regarding these changes, we can better assist with answering any questions you may have regarding the application of the new law.

If you have any questions and/or would like to speak to a representative from our Assessment Administration section, click to Schedule an appointment. Select Assessment Administration under the "Service Category" and select the service that most closely resembles your question or concern. Please include as much information as possible.

Before the applicant applies for a Disabled Veteran’s Tax Exemption, the applicant must have the following:

• Completed Disabled Veterans Tax Exemption Application
• Copy of DD-214 (Military Discharge Form)
• Letter from the VA (Veterans Administration) showing their disability rating and the effective date.