Court Forms

All forms are available in PDF format unless otherwise noted.

The Court recommends opening PDF forms with Adobe Acrobat Reader, as these forms do not perform as well in other programs. You can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader here.

Before filing any of these forms in CM/ECF, save the form(s) to your computer by using the File>Print>Print to PDF (or Adobe PDF) option to remove the ability to update any fillable fields. See the How to Prepare Your PDF Guide for more details.

If you have any technical issues with the forms below, please contact the Clerk's Office at (206) 370-8440.

National Forms

In addition to the forms provided below, the Administrative Office of the US Courts maintains a page of national forms for your use.

Local Forms

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Attorney Admissions

Cameras in the Courtroom Pilot Program






Self Representation

Social Security (Self Representation)