2022 Australian Telecommunications, Media & Technology Outlook

The opportunity this presents aligns with rapid advances in some of the core technologies that underpin Australia’s digital economy. In this report, we survey the most important trends in technology, which combine to mark a new dawn for digitisation. These economic and technological shifts are creating new market opportunities and new business model possibilities in 2022. However, on the back of the pandemic and the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), it’s hard to imagine a strategy for growth that doesn’t encompass a commitment to responsible business. The sector has never been more economically significant, and the formula for success has never been more sophisticated.

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6 technology shifts defining 2022

To form a view of the strategic landscape for opportunity in 2022, we’re interested in the trends that will most materially shape the markets and business models of our sector in the next five years. Based on maturity and impact, we see six shifts shaping opportunity, and as these technologies converge, we are witnessing a new dawn of digitisation.